Bridgepoint Acquires RoC Skincare

a selection of RoC Skincare products on a beige background

Bridgepoint, a London-listed investment firm, has reportedly acquired RoC Skincare from San Francisco’s Gryphon Investors. The transaction is valued at approximately $500 million, according to an anonymous source.

Gryphon Investors initially acquired the renowned skincare brand from Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc in 2019, though the details of that deal remain undisclosed.

Founded in 1957 by French pharmacist Dr. Jean-Charles Lissarrague, New York-based RoC Skincare is known for its innovative anti-ageing products that are available globally.

With €39.5 billion in assets under management, Bridgepoint has a history of strategic investments in the beauty and skincare industry, which includes the acquisition of French cosmetics company VIVACY in 2022. It also owned HTL Biotechnology, a producer of the skincare ingredient hyaluronic acid, which it sold in 2021 to a consortium led by Montagu for an undisclosed sum.

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