Emface Launches Submentum

Emface has just unveiled Submentum, a new innovative device that targets and significantly reduces a double chin with no downtime, bruising, or pain.
Celebrated as a breakthrough in cosmetic technology, Emface Submentum is the only device currently available that directly targets layers from skin to muscle. Powered by advanced technology and backed by scientific research, it can reach every layer from muscle to skin in as little as 20 minutes, making it perfect for those with busy schedules seeking a quick, effective treatment.
Using a patented combination of Synchronized RF+ and HIFESTM muscle stimulation, Emface Submentum effectively corrects and improves concerns around the chin and submentum area, resulting in a more defined and sculpted jawline. Synchronised RF+ supports the remodelling of collagen and elastin, improving skin texture and reducing sagging skin under the chin. HIFESTM selectively targets and tones the digastric muscle, lifting the submental area.
“The submental area and double chin are a major concern for nearly half the patients that we see and this new treatment has allowed us to address the area directly by tightening up and activating the tissues and muscles to produce a tighter, more defined jawline and reduced double chin,” explains Dr Suha Kersh, 23MD. “We use this in combination with other BTL technologies such as Exion Face and FRF to achieve a superior lift and tightening of tissues as well as promoting collagen production and regeneration.”
For optimal results, four weekly Submentum treatments are recommended, with each treatment starting at £250. To find your nearest clinic, visit btlaesthetics.com.