Frédéric Malle Announces Departure From Editions de Parfums

Frédéric Malle Editions de Parfums

Frédéric Malle has announced his departure from Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle.

In a statement, Malle explained,

“Twenty-five years ago, I started working on Editions de Parfums in an attempt to create a direct link between the best perfumers in the industry and the most demanding public. In doing so, I created a platform where noses could express themselves fully and be so proud of their work that they would want to sign it with their names. I could not have foreseen that what became the first publishing house for ‘noses’ would reveal these artists to the world in such a powerful way, show the public that perfume can be an art form and lay the foundations of the artisanal perfumery movement.

I owe this success to the talent and generosity of perfumers who followed me then and to the many others who have since enriched our eclectic collection. I also want to thank all of the other artists as well as our staff, especially the perfume experts working in our stores, who help each visitor find a perfume that will echo their personality. Their daily work makes the total creative freedom that we give to perfumers possible. Last but not least, I want to thank the members of The Estée Lauder Companies, who have developed and protected Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle since 2015, and who I know will continue to implement the founding principles that make the company I created unique.”

Frédéric Malle Editions de Parfums

Founded in 2000, Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle was envisioned as a fragrance publishing house dedicated to granting world-renowned perfumers the creative freedom to design their own fragrances, which would bear their names. This innovative model provided perfumers with access to exceptional raw materials and imposed no constraints on time, budget, or marketing. By the time The Estée Lauder Companies acquired Editions de Parfums in 2015, the brand had launched 21 fragrances, created by 12 master perfumers, and had opened five stores.

“We are proud to have grown Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle alongside Frédéric and will continue to honor his inspiration and uncompromising dedication to perfumery into the future,” expressed Stéphane de La Faverie, Estée Lauder’s executive group president. “We are so grateful for his collaboration, creativity and vision, and wish him much success.”

Malle will part ways with the company at the end of June.

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